Oct 04, 2006 02:25
it seems like i'm not updating as much as i used to and that upsets me.
i should probably get back to my old habits. i used to update my lj every day or every few days. i miss those days. i guess i lost my motivation when three of my accounts got suspended. bloody bastards.
well, what can i say? where do i start? last time we left off, i was getting kind of "close" to charlene and she had opened up about her fetish. well turns out, the very next day she was kind of ashamed that she had told me. i was baffled because well, why would ANYONE in their right minds be ashamed of telling me their fetishes? hell, i can't even count mine on one hand, and i'm completely open about them (for the most part!). i told her not to worry, that i was cool with it and even interested in it. i mean, i liked it when she made me feel nice and warm in the cold water. piss was never gross for me, if anything, it kind of excites me. but she insisted that it wasn't "her thing". she said she wasn't very open and that she feels uncomfirtable around me. i begged her to re-consider. i told her i'm into a lot more things than she is and that most people see them as "fucked up".
she just kind of turned away and mumbled "we'll talk about it later" and left for work. i was bloody crushed. i left for my nan's hoovering and felt completely shitty. i was finally getting close to this babe, thinking we could play together, and she rejects me cos she's not comfortable with me. why wouldn't she be? i don't get it. i was into watersports. i was even reading about it a few months ago before i even met manda.
but then she came back from work and everything changed. to my surprise, she said she reconsidered. she was actually excited to finally be able to share with someone her wonderful fetish. i was so taken back, and bloody happy. i asked her if she was sure, she said yes. thank the lord. if i'm gonna live with this girl i'm gonna make sure i get all the fun in it too.
we're taking it slow, but she's already pissed on my chest. watching that beautiful golden stream run from her soft pussy really got me off. we put towels on her floor and i lied down. she asked if i was sure i wanted to do this. i said yes, of course! and then she sat on my stomach/chest and let it flow out. she said she'd rather sit on me so that she could feel it more. when she stands and squats she doesn't feel the warmth on her body (thighs, legs).
it was quite the experience, and we're doing more tonight.
i'll update about it.
it was really fun although i miss playing with dogs, blaaa.