My First Meme

Mar 16, 2009 22:22

Questions from cameroncrazed

1. What's your favorite book?
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I know most people would expect me to list a Fear Street/R.L. Stine book here - but not even those have the timeless feel of Jane Eyre. Just the Victorian Gothic-ness of it, my own personal over indentifying with Jane... yeah. Now if only I had my own Rochester :sigh: But I will say that my close second favorite does come from R.L. Stine's Fear Street series, "The Stepbrother". I just love that it dealt with past lives intruding on present day - I've always been obsessed with those kinds of storylines. Well, those and those dealing with characters that are dead and don't know it, but I tend to find those more in movies than books.

2. Favorite season?
Hmmm... I'm gonna go with fall here. It's colder but not freezing (at least not where I'm at typically), the leaves are changing and there's just something so eerie about October for me and it has virtually nothing to do with Halloween. Yeah, I don't deny I'm weird lol. I guess it's just that fall is the only time of year that I can pretend to be in New England and I love that feeling despite never having been to any of the states in New England.

3. Hmm... least favorite food.
Anchovies... just egh.

4. What TV shows do you absolutely have to watch, can't live without?
Heroes, Veronica Mars, Are You Afraid of the Dark and Special Unit 2 (what do you mean 3 out of the 4 were canceled? *cannot hear you in denial!land*)

5. And finally... what about Earth Girls Are Easy do you like? :)
Wow... for one thing: THE MUSIC! "Because I'm a blonde yeah, yeah, yeah" - okay, I'm not, but hey, neither's Julie! LOL! Either way, I still love it. And the B52's "Ground You Walk On" is SUCH a perfect song for me right now... oh to have only been able to do what Val did to Ted's possessions :sigh: The cheese factor is another BIG one - it's just so dated and for that kind of movie it makes it perfect. And I saved the best for last: Charlie *yes, I still hate the fact he's gone* Rocket! I think I wore out my first VHS (yes, there was more than one lol) of it watching just for him lol (yeah, I know he was the asshole fiancee - but hello, shirtless scenes! Dr. Love LOL!)

meme, jane eyre, questions, fear street, charlie rocket, movies, books

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