Writer's Block: AKA

Feb 27, 2009 15:50

As a kid I was addicted to the R.L. Stine book series Fear Street. As an adult, not much as changed. Of the Seniors Series of Fear Street my favorite character was Josie Maxwell - but I knew fewer would get that reference and I wanted to blend more of Fear Street into my name. From there I decided on Simon Fear's original spelling of the Fear ( Read more... )

r.l. stine, fandom, writer's block, fear street, shadyside, childhood memories, books, fangirling

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Comments 5

dj_rocca March 5 2009, 19:53:30 UTC
Hi! I just bounced over here from your post on my boyfriend's LJ (about Superheroes) and as soon as I saw RL Stine I scanned that entry! Josie was totally my favorite! Though I did like Jennifer, though she wasn't a Fear and Tricia (It was Tricia...I'm blanking on her name) I'm a HUGE Fear Street Fan!!!


josiefier March 5 2009, 23:05:24 UTC
Awesome! Yeah, I've been a HUGE Fear Street fan since I was 10 - I still have nearly my entire collection. Josie was by far my fave of the Seniors (even though the curse was likely mostly her fault lol). Trisha Conrad would be the one you're thinking of! And it's kinda sad, I actually wrote a song last year for the Seniors series lol


dj_rocca March 5 2009, 23:15:44 UTC
I have almost the entire Fear Street collection from the sagas to the seniors. There's only a handful (like 5) I don't own. I'm itching to dig them out of my closet because they haven't been unpacked from the move XD I used to write fanfiction for Fear Street when I was a kid! XD

Jud says you're Elsa on PRU? Is he right? I'm just making sure I know who I'm talking to XD


josiefier March 5 2009, 23:24:19 UTC
Yeah, same here - and it drives me crazy that I don't have some - like the newer ones, but some I admittedly didn't want. Oh man, I never got into the fanfic realm for them - I never would've stopped lol.

Yep, that's me! PRU's and PRE's Elsa. I know I haven't been there in a while, but since I don't really watch the show anymore (not since OO's team up and even that was just for those eps) I didn't see much point with my Heroes obsession. As for PRE, well things didn't end well. Anyway, since you're such a huge Fear Street fan, I'll share a secret Shadyside Apparel - because some of us are seriously too obsessed for our own good lol (what? I was home schooled for high school - the Seniors Series WAS my high school experience lol)


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