Have I mentioned they're pretty?

Nov 06, 2009 19:07

Behold! My first Adam/Sharon vid! Will there be more? Maybe. For now though I just realized how well this song fit them and decided to run with it.

And expect a Jack/Emily .gif later. I heart them too and today, well, let's just say Jack already knew Emily was a good catch and now Emily's getting the hint :DDD In the meantime I'm looking for the clip of the TV love of my life (BILLY ABBOTT!) drinking his beer through a crazy straw. It was either yesterday's ep or day before yesterday's - having to go through and find out. And if I can find a certain removal of an ankle monitor from July while I'm at it so much the better!

shippers, fandom, michael muhney, y&r, vids, adam newman, fangirling

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