Okay. Heroes notes time. Finally!

Oct 05, 2009 21:10

Better late than never. Last week's first.

9/28, 4x03: "Ink":

Claire not letting Gretchen in? Okay, she's playing hard to get. Figures. Ask Sylar. He knows.

Matt didn't get suspended for the chair incident? Nice! Gottla love TV reality.

Peter's wall of fame... Okay. Ego much?

Peter Greene, you would have looked so much better in that suit - you always look amazing in suits *thinks of Ticker and Confession and drools*

Lydia - I'm betting she's not Samuel's daughter. Then again this is Heroes.

The swirling ink - awesome. But oh Peter, it would've looked so much better with your hand.

"How do I look?" Like a Peter Greene impersonator.

Peter getting sued by someone he supposedly saved?! The Incredibles, much?!

I want that light-up clock!!

Dripping faucet... Is that you, Tracy? You should be in Noah's shower! Y'know, with Noah :P

Sylar, I'm beginning to love you for your personality *is having Adam Wilson withdrawl*

Parkman calling Sylar annoying?! He's not annoying, he's funny!

Liking the busting down of the door - and I LOVE Matt's sunglasses!

Sylar telling Matt how to do his job? And ends up saving him?! NICE!!

"You're welcome." - Oh, I love you, Sylar.

HA! The housewarming presents. Nice, Bennet.

Tha painful hug... Oh, Bennet, that's what happens when you hook up with a strong, younger woman. Don't worry, you'll get used to playing with Tracy soon. Oh. Right. Guy with the knives. Eh, whatever. I like my Noacy way better.

Lyle mention! They remember him!

"Who's your friend?" Bennet! You'll anger Tracy!

Sylar... Yes, you do ooze charm!

Peter, you're a moron - the woman's deaf! Don't you read spoilers?

Deaf chick's power looks kinda like Ando's

Oh Peter, you'd look so much better talking to Peter

"Couldn't it send me an e-mail?" HA! I like this new chick

Stink face?! Oh, Noah *shakes head*

Awwwwwwwww, Matt doesn't want Sylar to ignore him! *SLASHITY*

The bunny! Sylar's sweet voice!

Box cutter... Oh God. I miss you, Charlie.

So close to another Haitain sighting! Dagnammit.

WOOT Sylar! Go Matt! But where's Matt's partner in all of this? Ah, found him.

Oh holy crap, Sylar... you rule! Using Matt's power against him? Just. Wow. I'm in awe.

Oh Peter, I think your partner just dumped you. Oh well, that's what you get for still being in love with your brother.

Peter, you would've looked so much better gaslighting Peter.

Oh, Knepper, keep trying - you'll never be Peter Greene.

Seeing sound as lights? That's pretty cool.

And now she's like a one-woman symphony? Nice! *meanwhile dinner is on fire, but I'm still taking notes for all of you!*

"Can I see it?" Oh God, writers - could you be more obvious? *yay, fire's out, but the soup didn't survive*

Bennet's drinking what looks to be a beer. Guess he's paranoid about drinking water lol

"Do you want to be my roommate?" Sheesh, Claire.

"Smells like pickles" - I don't want to know, Gretchen. I really don't want to know.

I feel bad for Matt's partner, man - poor guy has no clue what's goin' on.

Oh wow, Matt - you and Sylar make one hell of a team! Could it be a new Team Badass?!

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life" (with me) *SLASHITY* Little louder, Sylar. Not sure the slashers in the back row heard you.

Nice sinkhole, imitation Peter Greene. You're really irritating me. Yes. Uber fangirl is uber. Ask Team Engen - they know me. And they hate me! MWAHAHAHAHAHA *feels a NuAdam half-laugh/half smirk coming on*

Nice Peter, now the compass is yours *can see the Samuel/Peter slash from here*

In short:

Peter Greene needs to be on this show. First Eric Roberts and now this wannabe?! I forgive NBC for Eric - Peter was working on The Black Donnelleys at the time, another NBC show that actually followed Heroes back in S1 so that makes it more than okay. But now? Oh nuh uh. It doesn't help that I still have another ax to grind with NBC. A cookie to anyone who gets the pun.

Gretchen irritates me.

Bennet and Tracy need more scenes together. Preferably proving Bennet's moved on from Sandra ;) Bonus points if she really does materialize in his shower!!

There can only be one Peter Greene and Knepper doesn't come close. I bet Dorian Tyrell could kick T-Bag's ass any day... Or there is Dokey and his weapon of choice *PURRS*. Then again Zed turning him into his bitch could be a fun sight... Not as much fun as my being Zed's new Grace if you get my meaning, but I'll take what I can get.

Matt and Sylar make one hell of a badass team.

First 3x11 and now 4x03. Can we never have box cutters on the show again? KPLZTHX *hugs Steve and Yasmin*


10/5, "Acceptance" 4x04:

"Presented in Living Color" - as opposed to dead color? Eh, deal, it's NBC and it's almost the 7th.

Now for the show...

Tracy materialzing from her bath water!! In my mind it's Noah's - and he's there with her.

Absolutely love the "She's Trouble" song they have playing for Tracy!

Ando and Hiro's sister are getting married?! I feel so torn. I ship Hiro/Ando, but Ando's so cute with Hiro's sister...


Hiro scaring the jumper - too funny! lol

He was fired for photocopying his butt?! Classic.

Sad to see the dude go, but at least he didn't puss out when it came to jumping.

MUPPETS DURING HEROES!! Okay, it's a commercial, but so what?! MISS PIGGY!!

"This is Your Life" Petrelli-style... Poor Angela is going cookoo

And who did Nathan kill, I wonder?

If Tracy kills the governor, I'm taking that as a proposal of marriage from her to Noah.

Noah's back in jeans- WOW!! And suddenly looking like a younger Victor Newman. I gotta stop watching Y&R before Heroes...

"I thought you wanted nothing to do with me" - Wow, Noah

LMAO! I love Noah.

Oh, Peter, don't feel like Noah's dumping you - you're supposed to be with your brother as it is.

A Paire hug?! Oh good grief.

Claire at Bennet's place... The 'cestiness is strong tonight

And Sylar is where?

Aww, Hiro saved the jumper!

Oooh, guess not.

Wow. I'm having some The Time Machine flashbacks... That no matter how many times you go back to change something that it keeps happening anyway, just maybe a different way but the end result is always the same.


"You has new power?! We can has brotherly sex nao?!" YES YOU CAN!! We'll watch!

Wow - Nathan really did kill a girl.

You take your brother with you, Nathan! Fine, don't, whatever - just let us watch the reunion!sex!

"My skills aren't exactly marketable" Bad thoughts, Noah! Bad thoughts!


Hmm... the runaway daughter - Could Clarence Weidman be involved? Should he be?

Great googly moogly. Nathan's involved in a cover-up. Why am I not surprised?

Did The Haitain visit Nathan back in the day?

Ooooh, I kinda like that mental image of Angela with a shovel behind her back.

HA! I was right about The Haitain visiting Nathan!

I love Angela

Wow, the Noaire-ness is really strong tonight

People person! LMAO!

Okay, even I'm expecting them to make out

What did Hiro do this time?

HAHA! Hiro - first mouthing Ando's words and then the phone call. Poor Hiro

What if what Hiro needs to change is telling his sister that he can't/won't give her away at the wedding as opposed to saving Tadashi?

He copied his butt 47 different ways?! Umm, I shouldn't be impressed.

Awesome! He talked him down!

What do you know? Right again! I like this game!

Oooooh, Tracy. That dress'll look GREAT on Noah's floor!

WOOHOO! NOACY! My night is complete!! :D

Now make out!

Aww! Tracy wants to be a good person! She wants to help people! Just like Noah!

Uh oh. That's not good. Yeah. She needs Noah.

I heart Tracy

Oh wow - Nathan's gonna turn himself in?!

Yeah. Didn't think so. He just needs to go home and have his brother hold him.

Crap - who got Nathan?! Not cool!! He was on his way home to snuggle with Peter!!

Ugh, Peter Greene wannabe. I'm so over him. Wake me when it's really Peter Greene.

The Carnival!

IT'S CANON!! Noah's interested in a "1 of them"!! Gee, wonder which tall, slender blonde one

Oh crap. Angela and Swoozie...

And now Nathan's being driven somewhere and I doubt it's to the loving bosom of his brother... I don't trust these people.

HA! That would've worked if Sylar could die

Angela doesn't trust Swoozie... Good thing!

Oh man - Nathan's already had his death of the season.

Look who's back! :D

petrellicest, nathan petrelli, heroes, fandom, claire bennet, y&r, peter petrelli, noah bennet, noacy, sylar, peter greene, fangirling

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