I did it. I made a Syelle vid.

Oct 04, 2009 21:27

Wild Roses (Sylar/Elle)

Song: Where the Wild Roses Grow - Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue

I maintain this takes place (clearly) before Elle was resurrected (I'm guessing by Momo) and went off to exact revenge on Sylar, thereby meeting Mary Jane Benson aka Patty Williams at Sylar's father's place when she was there to get Mr. Kitty taken care of (someone had to be her taxidermist!) and ended up getting a ride with MJ/Patty to Genoa City where she met and fell in love with the half-blind, sociopathic son of Victor Newman: Adam Wilson. Yes that is my story. And yes I am sticking to it :P

elle bishop, syelle, sylar, vids, adam newman

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