My cable's out - Sooooooo I have to fill my time with something while I wait for a certain someone's scenes from today (since no I didn't get to see today's Y&R) to show up on YT, I've decided to explain just how I became the DoVe girl I am - go with it, I'm finally answering the question EVERYONE has asked me since I boarded the VM train.
Now first things first - I did not start watching VM until 1x05 because that's when I realized my OnDemand had it. Also I was just watching it at the time because Heroes had been on hiatus and it was like "if I can't watch that I'll watch this" so since I was just watching it to watch it I wasn't looking at it from the POV of "let's see who's here" - none of the guys had sparked my interest so I was there for the plot (and I ended up falling in love with the lighting). Even when I saw 1x11 and 1x12 - I'm embarrassed as hell to admit it now - but I thought a certain sheriff was so much of a douche that I didn't even look at him in the "but he's still hot" way - I just plain didn't think anything of him (we won't go into just HOW MUCH that's changed since lol).
Now fast forward beyond "Veronica Mars is smarter than me" and "How much of an ass-kiss would I be if I admit it's to be close to you?" - still thought little of said sheriff and never even considered DoVe a ship at the time. However I also wasn't shipping ANY other pairings either. And frankly even then I couldn't understand the LoVe obsession, but I knew the ship was canon, so I just shrugged it off and went with it. Now let us fast forward once more to my downfall - 2x07: Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner.
Buckle up - 'cause here we go. Now for most of the ep it was playing out like any other for me. Nothing out of the oridinary. Now keep in mind that by this point I had been spoiled beyond belief. The only thing I didn't know yet was 3x14 (found out 2 days later about that) and what was awaiting me about 37 minutes into this ep...
Asshole father had already told his wife to "Call the sheriff." Veronica was oh so happy to hear that. Now: Enter sheriff.
Veronica is so glad to see him.
After a verbal sparring match Mr. Manning called Veronica a filthy, lying, whore. Lamb wasn't happy. We may never know if he really just wanted to end the fight or if he felt that no one got to call her a whore but him (though my money's on the former given that he never flat out called her a whore).
Veronica follows Lamb's order of "Stand up!" even as she's trying to tell him about how she and Duncan found Grace in the closet.
At this point I was thinking to myself at the first watch, "What the fuck?! The one time she's actually doing a good thing by breaking in and he's STILL going to arrest her?! ASSHOLE!" [now of course I'm fixated on the way you only see his eyes] Anyway...
Kinky sheriff is kinky... (though of course at the time I was still calling him ever name in the book and then some)
Determined Veronica is determined. She's calm now, still telling Lamb about how they found Grace. Telling him to "Move the clothes."
Yeah, he looks like he believes her :nod:
If she gave up easily she wouldn't be Veronica Lamb Mars
I was still bitching at the computer screen here (since I was watching the ep on - still couldn't believe he was seriously arresting her given the obvious
Yeah, still yelling...
I recall saying "Fucking asshole" at this point...
Now here's where it got interesting... Lamb had said he'd be back for a statement. That glare doesn't say to me "Tell me how she broke into your house." Rather "I don't give a shit what you want" in reply to Mr. Manning's "I want them prosocuted to the full extent of the law." And it was at that point Michael Muhney became pretty to me.
Still getting prettier... He listened to her, he believed her - AND he was doing this without a warrant on no more than Veronica's word. Yeah. I wasn't a shipper yet though - stay with me, we're getting there.
Still no warrant...
Lamb doesn't like it when abusive fathers recite speeches his own (apparently) abusive father once said...
Yeah - he really doesn't like it... [and serious fangirl moment there - just LOOK at his eyes!!]
Back in the cruiser Veronica and Lamb seem to have a silent argument...
And Lamb knows she's right. So what is the sheriff to do? Takes the next turn, turns off the rolling lights, pulls to the curb and stops the cruiser. And then!
At this point I was freaking with the first watch. Just "OMG! Is he - Is he really- Would he? OMG! HE'S STOPPING THE CAR!"
Now just think about how many times Lamb wanted Veronica in his cuffs... How much trouble she made for him (even that night given that he could have lost his job for going through Mr. Manning's "property" without a warrant and finding what Veronica had told him he would) and here he's letting her go... And as if you couldn't already tell *THAT* is the scene, *THAT* is the IMAGE that made me a shipper. He listened to her, he believed her, and here he was letting her and Duncan go.
Nearly wordlessly, I might add. Can I just say all three actors SERIOUSLY rocked the nearly silent moment? 'Cause they did. Seriously. And from there...
Yeah... all of that inside of 5 minutes when it was practically the ONLY thing that hadn't been spoiled for me within the series. Now, I'm a bit of a spoiler whore, I admit - plus the show had been off the air for almost 2 years by the time I got around to it - so yeah. But at the same time it was inside of those 5 minutes with this particular ep that I went from thinking of Lamb as a douche and Michael as just another actor to realizing that Lamb certainly had his moments and Michael had to be awesome in order for those scenes to be as amazing as they are. And DoVe became my favorite crack as of another 5 minutes later when I began breathing again :D