I just saw a comment Michael made to yet another hater - have I mentioned I'm totally in fangirl love with that man? Seriously. I'm a sucker for sarcasm - and people who come out of nowhere to show they're paying attention. So yeah. Bonus points for sticking it to those who don't want him on Y&R lol. Personally I'm loving his Adam *points to icon* and his partnership with Mary Jane is beyond awesome. My two Y&R faves together :le sigh:
As for updates... I need to make those, yes? Oh and why am I on so late? Mom's at Harry Potter - that leaves me online until she gets back and wanted her bed back lol.
As for updates - I got TOTALLY sidetracked last week due to some personal issues - for those who know what they were: I'M GOOD! All is well once more and I have a shiny new navel ring and iPod to show for it lol. Pics of both when I get around to it :P Of course I think now a certain someone is avoiding me, but no matter. I'm good at emotionally detatching where he's concerned now. Of course why I'm thinking of Kevin so much tonight, I don't think I want to know. ANYWAY -
Vids - yep, still makin' 'em but I've been working on too many at once and some are begging for Vegas which is making me go slower. Oh why can't Vegas have a media tray that holds all your pretty pre-cut clips like WMM?! Though having a WMM plug-in for my Vegas might help... it was supposed to come with, but oh well I guess. Oh and
dref22 don't kill me, but I'll be using "Older Than My Years" for more than just Noelle *dodges the Jack penis!pillow*
Also I've fallen in love with Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog... Yeah, "Brand New Day" is a new favorite song - even put it on my iPod tonight LOL!
Add to that I've made a TON of new DoVe arts tonight - but PB isn't cooperating with me so I'm gonna have to wait to post those. They'll likely be here for a change instead of going straight to FF or one of the V/Lamb comms. Yeah, there are THAT many! Manips and icons both, which means my own icons here may get a bit of an overhaul. Though this "fairytale" one ain't goin' nowhere yet. It's my default for a reason. It's my fave. I love how Michael kinds looks like an overgrown evil elf there. Yeah, it's from his first Y&R ep and with that face I knew I'd be recording it more and more lol. As for the arts - I went a little nuts tonight. Just put on "Brand New Day" and "So They Say" from Dr. Horrible while working on the DoVe version of the "Older Than My Years" vid and, well, yeah.
Whew! Okay, that does it for this round - more tomorrow, I hope!!