By now I know a lot of you have been wondering what the heck is up with me lol. Where are the fics? What happened to the arts? Why all the vids? And *looks to icon* how the hell did we miss this new ship obsession?
1. I've been having a HORRIBLE writer's block issue with fics. First it was just writer's block and then I got sick. Like knocked on my ass sick - I'm STILL sick and it's the worst off I've been in about 10 years. I am getting better, but still.
Yes, I'm slowly getting back to writing. BUT - I have no idea what to do for more Sylaire. I'm just not inspired there right now. I blame the season finale. Dual I LOVED. An Invisible Thread left me depressed and I'm still bitching about it. Noelle fics - I'm FINALLY about to post a new one. When will there be more? When I have the strength to type them which is the exact thing I can say for some other fics that are on the way for said new ship obsession (more on them later).
2. The arts... welp, once I started making vids banners and icons and such didn't seem to be much of a challenge anymore. Manip something in a vid so convincingly YOU, the vidder, aren't even sure if it wasn't real - yeah. That's awesome. Also I hadn't been inspired much because, again, I'd been focusing so much on Heroes and I think I just wore myself out. Of course I'll make more when I'm inspired or not in a vid mood, but until then it's gonna be off and on. Though I have made a few things for Veronica Mars and a few more Jack/Kristen manips (though unless you're
dref22 or saw them on her page it's likely you haven't seen 'em.
3. I finally got tired of not being a vidder given how many eps of these shows I have on my comp - so I decided to put WMM to work (since I still can't figure out a certain something else) but either way I'm liking it. The fact I managed to pull off Sylvie like I did shocked me. I'd sworn a long time ago that if I ever made vids I'd never make them that AU - but I love the song too much and it just fit too well. Will I do another like it? Maybe have HRG and Sheriff Lamb fighting over Veronica/Elle (since I've done most every other triangle there is) - sure! Provided I find a song that fits it lol.
4. My new obsession? *V/Lamb for those who can't tell - Veronica Mars ship of utter hotness* It's just plain hot. And I've TRIED to embrace Logan. I've TRIED to ship LoVe, I've tried to get the idea to grow on me. It won't. Weapons of Class Destruction might've had a shot at NEARLY converting me, but Clash of the Tritons still won out. Sorry. I'm a DoVe girl all the way. Now, yes, I LOVED Leo! But he was just too sweet and in the end couldn't have handled Veronica and all of her issues. Now Lamb? Me, I want more backstory 'cause it's pretty obvious they knew each other when she was younger and I'm betting she had a hell of a crush on Daddy's deputy - so yeah. Oh and 3x14's ending is so not canon in my mind, so don't even try it :P
So anyway - expect more fics soon :)