Holy Fraking Wow.

May 05, 2010 20:16

I do not know what's happened today. But, last night (after midnight so it counts) I watched the latest Justified. William Ragsdale was on it. I had NO FRAKING IDEA he was part of the cast, much less a recurring guest star! I've been in fangirl love with this man for 19 years. He was in my all-time favorite movie and several more that I grew up on (Fright Night being one). Also - he's aged so well. I mean, seriously -




How many nearly 50-year-old actors look like THAT? Dear lord, I'm literally going to be half his age this year *headdesk*

My fangirl love of Peter Greene got me to watch the Justified pilot. I knew I'd be coming back for Jacob Pitts (loved him since We Were the Mulvaneys) and Walton Goggins so now that it's been all of them PLUS William - I feel like a 14-year-old again. Though I was 6 when I first saw William and 16 when I first saw Walton, so yeah - split the difference.

On top of all this - William's show that I LOVED as a kid, Herman's Head, is partially on YT! And it gets even better. Embedding's been disabled, but if you want to see a younger Lianne Mars - yes a Veronica Mars connection in a show I watched when I was all of 7 (I think) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdfKPGzq05k

If I died, I did not get the memo. Either way, I'm going to go back to geeking out now. Hope you're all having awesome nights yourselves!!

veronica mars, mannequin 2, childhood memories, peter greene, fangirling

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