Sep 20, 2005 15:49
My driver's license has been missing since Chicago. I remembered putting it into the envelope with my boarding pass on my various passes through O'Hare's security gates. After that, nothing. I didn't even realize it was gone until I tried to get it at the Zombie Lounge Saturday night. Lucky for me he believed my story and let me in.
Other bad stuff from the airport.
The lady in security took my purse out of the x-ray machine, opened it and sent it back through. I didn't realize that it wasn't shut when I picked it up. My Treo went flying, all the pieces of it flew off. I had to crawl under the x-ray machine to retrieve my SIM card. Ass.
I tried to use it after landing in San Diego. No dice. Everyone sounds like they're underwater. Half the time my phone says "SOS service only." That's new too and I don't like it.
I went to Cingular today. They wouldn't do anything since they don't offer replacements for Treo. I have to go directly through Palm. Good news is that I'm under warranty and I can back up my data on my PC. The bad news is that if the hard reboot doesn't fix it, I'll have to mail them my phone and wait. And wait. I'm crossing my fingers that the reboot will work. They gave me instructions. I just have to wait til I'm home to do a back up first.
Yesterday I cleaned my office and filed all my paperwork thinking the boarding pass was here. It wasn't. I was sure I threw it away. Our cleaning crews are swift! I checked at home this morning. Turns out I did toss it but it was in a bag of junk mail waiting to go to the dumpster. Whew! Lucky me. Good thing I'm not as swift as the crews at work ;)