May 26, 2004 12:53

whoa.. its over. congrats to the class of '04! =]

special thanks to people who helped me get through the year::

oppa - goodness..what to say. Im going to miss the late night debates on how the world is square and it does depend on it. But I see it that way. Haha. Im going to miss the television analogies that only you and I get. Im going to miss talking about songs I like. Im going to miss the hoarding of the food in the house. Im going to miss the weird and random noises and motions we do. Im going to miss that fact that I had someone to catch all my bugs for me. Im going to miss you. You better do good in college!!!

mimi!~~ - ahhh i loove you !! you are the sweetest person i have met so far. i mean you have gone over the "good friend" boundaries and you`ve been there for me for a lot! through church and all those stupid boy crushes i had just because someone's eyes were cute or someone played piano and you were always helpful and gave great advice. and then through all the 'troubles' at school, and i looove praising with you. you and your crazy motions and jumping..you were always there and i <3 you and you are irreplacable and i love you! x]]

Chelsea- I know youre not going to see this b/c you think xanga is a big waste of time and an excuse to have a life on the internet. But still. Ive known you for… about 5 years now and what can I say. You are the best. I mean. You’ve been with me through so many things. And I know we don’t talk as much anymore, but you’re still really important to me. Youre random mood swings, your meticulousness, your bajillion pet peeves. Just about every time this year I thought I was just going to shoot myself, you somehow made me feel better. Its been crazy. O and don’t forget!. I need mangrum’s notes ok? X]] lool

and also to:: [[in no particular order]]

autumnnnn!!-- haha you are awesome! i love you because you're prettier than i am and because you're sucha great person! it has been fun griping about 'mr.' miles stupid teaching methods, and Frydude's moodiness. but youve been with me so many steps of the way. i <3 you. i hope all goes well with aubrey cause both of your names begin with A . ahah! =] . o yea. feminine sticks rule! x]]

inyoung-- puhaha i love the way you laugh and the way you always seem to be happy at the wierdest things!. that is so cute! i love the way you are and who you are. dont ever change. you are a little giggly ray of sunshine. i <3 you, and i looove praising with you and your craziness! x]]

JOSHIEEEEEE-- haha dude its been fun. you know with. the petting of the hair. lol. you are sucha hard person to please with hair! hahaha =] actually. we dont really verbalize. just the doggie pets. but still . you are so nice to me and to alot of people you dont have to be nice to .and you are just awesome =]

janeeeee-- hahahah BOOTIE BUDDIESSSSS =DD. hahaha i have sucha fun time with you and your craziness! i finally have someone to be random with!! =DD its been fun at JAMA and at your house and its just been an awesome year. better be more to come! =D

chi..Angel [[haha]]-- ahh i love talkingmusic with you. even though linkin park is generic and yellowcard does rock. but still you are so pretty with your "asian angelina jolie lips" haha yea i remember. youre gorgeous and im going to miss you when you leave to duluth. =''[ . you are awesome x]]

daviiiiddd-- you are sucha wierd little person!!! but you are so nice and considerate of everyone. i still think that all your meadowcreek friends are mean from what i hear from you. lol. but they must be nice since youlike them. it was so fun being in our little "slack" group haha and doing nothing for forever. haha. but yea.. its been good. x]]

yohann-- youre the best! =] youre a great person, and although we've never really had a heart-to-heart [except for that one time i vented on you. heh thanks]. but yea. the high-fives and the wierd handshakes have been awesome and always something to look forward to before the dreaded fourth period. rock on dude. =] \m/^^

caitlin-- caitlin laaang~!. lol. i only met you this semester. but you have been my guiding post through the confusing world of good rock&roll music. my lighthouse and have awesome taste in music. you are so individual and awesome. im going to miss you. and if i see you next year, im going to yell "caitlin lang!" and you better say "josie scott!" x]] haha rock on dude.

james oppa-- heh hi oppa your sucha wierd person. and haha i think i offend you more often than not. but i never intend to lol. but you seem like such a great person and im glad that my brother has someone other than me to share his wierd thoughts about life. congratulations on emory oppa! and you deserve recognition! youre so modest =]]

jooyoung oppa-- hi oppa! =D. lol remember the mountains and how they have hair? hahahaha =D. i dont know that was a wierd week for me. lol. see im not normally that wierd. cant you tell lol. but yea. you are such a great prasie leader and an awesome guitar player. maybe someday i can be as good as you. =]

jin oppaa-- haha i stillll cant believe you have a six pack!. wierd lol. but not unattractive haha JPJP. buttuh. yea. you are so nice . its been fun witnessing ms. scruggs' random hysterical fits, and its also been fun at hakwon, mr. "kkak doo gee" haha x]]

matt-- haha you are sucha quirky little person! with your ranom shoutouts and your "jerkiness" hahahaha. youre awesome =]

jeeun-- haha you are the most interesting person i know! you can make something as ordinary as getting new grass [haha] into something funny and memorable! you always have the best clothes too! and youre such a great singer. --sniff im jealous ^__^.

esther choi-- haha you and your jenny craig diet ^__^ i hope to be as commited as you someday. unfortunately im probably going to have to lost a loot more weight than you lol =]. you are so genuine with your real louis vitton bags and your chanel.. stuff hahaha =]. im going to miss lunch with you. =]

Priscilla - PPI DDONG!. Pu ha =]. Even though I havnt known you for long, you are such a fun person to be with. And of course you are gorgeous and it was fun at lunch with you =]. I liked having another person at the table who laughs at just about everything. Hope all goes well with your boo ^__^

haleyy--dude. ive known you for sooo long lol. i knew you when my brother used to beat you up, and then at church ... and then whe you were in that band like some chemical name like. anti.. anti something haha. and now you are muy ghetto. haha. but yeaa. =] i think i owe you like. twenty bucks in gum haha. yea. we really didnt talk this year. but im writing this cause ive known you for so long and such. =]

sophia, eunae, susie-- hey you guyssss. yea i know. we havnt really talked at all this year and i know im partly at fault for that. buttuh. its still been good with the occasional 'hi's in school, and cause we were good friends in middle school, it was good seeing familiar faces at prhs. you guys are great =]


joo oppa-- haha omgoodness. i can believe i forgot you! ><".. its been awesome the occasional talks with you and your advice on guys. goodness.. why am i so guy-centered.. anyways. you better find me a great guy someday like you always said hahaha [impossible =P ] and yea. i hope all goes well. with whoever your current boo is. lol ^__^

ginnnaaaaaa!!-- aiyaaaa .. we've been through alot. haha what can i say. you are one of the craziest people i know. and i love you. you are irreplacable too!. gosh you make everything so much fun. and i know that hard times are bearing down on you right now. but ill always be here for you. no matter what. just ask bebe and ill do it ^___^.
mucho love love love! xD

[[and i probably owe those to more people but my brain can only hold so much. >< if i forgot its probably because youre too important and it made my head hurt ^^. i <3 you all.]]

im ready for summer. =]

btw-- thanks to all the people who burned me cds over the year. i got like 98712349087 cds. heh.
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