May 25, 2007 08:27
Alrighty-ighty-ighty.... my friend miss mira did a meme a little while back, and now I am doing the same meme. so on with the memeing!
Mira was supposed to ask me about three of my icons and three of my interests. this is what she came up with:
Okay, I seem to know enough about you that NONE of your icons require explanation, so....just talk about three of them? Or all of them? :)
But I would like to hear about fresh-ink cards, St. Cecilia, aaaaaand paper plates.
So here goes:
"Jo in nest" is a picture of me from out at jana's camp. I always gott o sleep in the hammock, so i would make nests out of sleeping bags, blankets and pillows and curl up inside and hibernate. delicious! so that is me. in my nest.
"Spotted skunk" a picture of a spotted skunk that i found in a long and laborious google image search. You see, it has been determined that if I were to be any animal, I would be a spotted skunk. They are soooo much cooler than regular skunks (which are also fantasticly cool), because they do handstands to spray enemies; they do this so that they can look straight ahead and have better aim. granted, I cannot do a handstand, but if I were a spotted skunk, i would totally kick ass at it!
"the Singing Butler" is a painting by my favorite artist, Jack Vettriano. Since sophomore year of high school, I have been completely enamoured with this painting. One of the best christmas gifts i ever got was a full size framed print of this painting. I cried when i got it. Santa Claus rocks.
The other two icons just aren't as interesting. I have eddie izzard because he rocks and i have mrs. White because she rocks. nothing much to say.
as for my interests...
I love fresh ink cards! They are a division of hallmark and are hysterically funny! In college, if i ever needed to cheer up, Iw ould go to the bookstore and just read Fresh-Ink cards until I couldn't stop laughing. a lot of times, if i really like one or two (or five) i will buy them and save them to give to someone sometime.
St. cecilia is the patron saint of music, and there are times when I fancy myself a musician. so it's always cool to have as many saints on your side as possible. they can intercede with God, you know. pretty awesome stuff.
As for my interest in paper plates, it is not in any old run-of-the-mill paper plates. I love the plates that have pictures of animals on them. Like one that's a polar bear and the face is the main part and the ears are little compartments for things like apple sauce and greenbeans. I had a whole bunch of them in school and I used them to decorate my room. I'm pretty cool like that.
So, yeah. If you would like me to ask you some questions about your icons and interests, leave a comment and I'll get right on that. You know why? cause work over the summer is mad boring.