The most recent picture of yourself:
This is me in the local pantomime where I played a villager :)
A picture of you with your best friend:
Becca, Me, Iona, Emma, Gracie and Becca :)
Me & Julia in London
Me & Alex
A picture with someone you don't actually like:
Ben at college - has to the the MOST irritating person who constantly puts me down or is nasty but then always responds with "im only joking I love you" dont....LEAVE ME ALONE!
The youngest picture of yourself you can find on the computer:
There's me in the middle at a friends party :P I was about 9 maybe 10
A picture of you making a goofy face:
A picture of you truly being yourself:
I'm very huggy :)
A picture of you showing off your new hair cut:
Me on the right :P very very short hair :)
A picture of a time in your life that's over, but you wish it wasn't:
Holiday with all my family....won't happen again :(
A picture of a time in your life, and you're glad that it's over:
Ex boyfriend.....who used me -_- bastard. Bought him a gold chain for his birthday, we'd been together a year on his birthday...dumped me 2 days later -_-
A picture that you had no idea was being taken:
Me...miss cool skater girl in her bowling shoes >.< oh yes so cool -_-
A picture of you when you were a different person than you are now:
This was before I knew what I wanted from life and who my true friends were
A picture of someone you love:
Really bad photos but Sharon & Peter (Becca & Emma's parents) - been much more like parents to me than my biological ones have been. Love them x :)
A picture of you in a car:
Me & Gracie with the luggage to Woolacombe (little ones in the back! :P)
A picture of you outside:
Surf Team ASSEMBLE!!
A picture of you kissing someone
This can be added to one i didnt know was being taken too LOL!
A picture of you with someone you've known more then five years:
One of my closet friends Jess - shame I dont see her as much as I used to - we do meet up for catch ups though :)
A picture of you and your sibling:
Yeah...thats my brother
A picture of you doing something really fun:
The pantomime! things were SUPPOSED to go wrong that is what was so fun about it :D
A picture of you in PJ's :
A picture of you eating:
Very unflattering but the only one I've got :P
A picture of you dancing:
Me & Gracie at Woolacombe
A picture of you wearing something weird:
I'm on the right on the floor - :|
A picture of you at a party:
I'm in a bedroom but I AM at a party, it says so in the corner :P
Like Becca I couldnt find one of me on the phone so here I am in a hat:
A picture of you at school:
ugh....that tie *is sick*
Photography that you took:
Managed to catch my dog winking :D
A picture of you sticking out your tongue:
Slush puppies yes :P
A picture of you in the mirror:
Me & my friend Louise in our last year at secondary school, she was so helpful, always gave great advice
A picture of you being silly:
Me & Becca with our moustaches :P took me ages to get that pose! haha
A picture where your eyes look amazing:
My eyes are really bright in this
A picture of you five years ago:
(In the little picture) You can guess what I think of this picture
A picture of you four years ago:
On the right again :P this is at a reunion of camp I went to (ignore the dates on all of these, the camera was wrong)
A picture of you three years ago:
When the new uniform was introduced
A picture of you two years ago:
Last year of secondary school with louise :P
A picture of you one year ago:
First Year of college
A picture of you with someone famous:
Okay it isnt someone famous but the teddy is famous in Harrods in London :P