Nov 11, 2003 17:11
Could Colorado College not be any more of a perfect school for Josiah? Wow. Perfect campus. in the middle of the outdoors, so lots of climbing, lots of snowboarding, lots of biking, lots of outdoor EVERYTHING. Its in a relatively small city (500,000 people) which is awesome. Its at 6200 feet. ALL the people there are AWESOME, especially the people i hung out with. There are LOTS AND LOTS of really CUTE AND FOXY girls there... he he he.... and most imporantly, THE BLOCK PROGRAM works best for Josiah because he can just focus on one subject without getting distracted (ADD)!!!
So i stayed with Sam Wilson's brother, Ian, whos a sophomore and a really chill guy. We hung out in the awesome dorms that are amazingly GIANT for dorms, then we started "making the rounds" and went around asking people if they wanted to party on a sunday night. suprisingly a few people did, so we popped open a few beers, made the rounds again, had some rum and coke, talked, played guitar, looked at pictures, FUCK I HAVE TO GO THERE.
anyways, how was everyone elses' weekends?