Mar 28, 2007 22:02
Things I did today:
-Woke up
-Coughed alot
-Decided I was officially sick again. Fuckle.
-Went to String Ensemble practice.
-Played double bass
-Decided to go home
-Walked with Lauren for a bit
-Went to the library. apparently that shit doesn't open up until ten.
-Went to Shoppers in Rideau; bought cough drops and Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet for 10 dollars
-Went to chapters; bought "Club Zero-G", a graphic novel by Douglas Rushkoff, writer of "Ecstasy Club", and another book called "Kill Whitey"
-Read Club Zero-G on the bus home while drinking an Iced Caramel Machiatto (amAZING)
-Got home, watched some Carnivale then some R+J, then Emilie came over and I watched R+J again.
-Decided that Zoe Hussey and Claire Danes are the same people and thought "that's rad."
-Downloaded Damien Rice's phenomenal new album, 9. Not as good as his debut, but still amazing.
And that's about it. I'm so glad there's no school tommorow/pissed off cause I could have pulled another sick day but now it's just wasted. Oh I don't feel guilty.
Oh Sucrets....