Aug 09, 2003 22:56
Today was a fun day! I got up at 7am, Then i got read yand went to a meeting at Walgreens. After that i went to Autumn's house and we all went to the tall ships, her, her family and I. It was cool, i got to see Autumn and have a great time with her. Then after that we went to go see my dad. Autumn has never ment my real dad, So we went out there to his house and we hung out there for about an hour. Then we went back to her house and i stayed there for like 20 mins, we just talked and stuff! Then a ran home and get ready again, Then i went to Nicci's for the Suprise party. Jeff was so excited and surprised when he got there! Then we hung out there then we all went to the beach for a lil bit, IT WAS SO COLD!! Then we headed back for Nic's house then we had cake and then chilled, but i had to go home cause it was getting close to my time to leave! But that is all that happened today, Yesturday Autumn came over and we hung out at my house, and then we chilled at her house. She was all saying that she wants to come to my house all the time, only cause my parents wont bother us. We will be alone the whole time!! Well i am out for now, See ya!! bye!