I just went to
rq_version2 and
cmorris asked this questions "So what about me made u want to invite me? or is it just random?" Now this question is frowned upon becasue the reason is in the userinfo and it's just annoying, but
xnickcx gave what I thought was a great response to that question and it is this: "we spent hours pouring through new perspective members. then the 12-person tribal council sat down and had an arm-wrestling elimination match. finally, we narrowed it down to two candidates. you and one other. we captured two young boys of the same age and body weight, castrated them both and timed to see which bled out faster. the boy representing you took longer to bleed out so we invited you."
Moving on, today was the usual, it was good, as usual. I woke up with wierd stomach pains this morning, well more sorta half why down my chest to my stomach and have had them every since, it's really odd, it's not like me feeling sick but its pain, hopefully I won't wake up with it. It is also not encouraging that I had a dream that I had 6 months to live last night. It was a very depressing dream but it was good cause I got everything I wanted to get done once I found out I was going die that I wanted to do. Spent time with people, really talked to people like never before. I went and visited
Ashley as well as
Amy and Anita. I didn't actually tell any of my friends for about 3 weeks after I found out. I took them all, all being Luke,
Julianna, James,
Tony, Jared and Vaughan. I guess you'd call us a clique, but anyway we all went to dinner and then told them, it was horrible, telling people that in about 5 months I would die. This may sound odd but I did enjot many aspects of it. Finally seeing some people, people saying things they've always wanted too but never had the chance and just getting to do things, I liked knowing that I had this amount of time and that my health didn't deteriorate untill like the last week when it did so very rapidly. But yeah waking up with really wierd pains after that isn't a good way to start the day.
I'm enjoying that non bullshit aspects of things, I say whatever know and I like it. I'm going to stick to it, it's...liberating, I guess thats the right word but I don't have to watch what I say, add things to it to make it sound better so yes it's good.
I use commas far too often.
I've got quite a few good friends with livejournals although only two people actually update theres.
That is all