An Open Letter to Council

Aug 19, 2010 01:02

This is going to sound like complaining. It's not. It is an honest response to the bile I see every day.

As a Coordinator, we are seen kind of as "guests" on Council. We speak usually only when our particular subject comes up and even then only to defend ourselves. Most Coords have realized that since they are required to be on Council, they become CMs for their local games. Honestly, it's more efficient since Council is seen as a major chore.

But this isn't to hate on Council. Well, not entirely. As you all have noticed, we've had 8 Coordinators quit on us. What you may not know is that we only have 32 Coordinators in One World by Night. That's a 25% turnover rate in the last 10 months.

That's completely unacceptable.

Some of them attributed their leaving to real life, some to a lack of will to do the job.

But overwhelmingly, away from the public, Council is the #1 reason we are losing the volunteers you vote to do a job you fight against.

Here's what it comes down to: you elect your own greatest enemies. And you do treat us like enemies. You complain, you raise hell when we try to do our job and you suck us into the endless arguing and bureaucracy that seems to fill endless email after email.

Now, it's not all bad. Generally, most of Council will side with us. The part I like to call the "silent sane majority", that let us enforce our genre. You vote for GNCs of PCs that just need to die for their constant rape of genre. I've witnessed many but been the "instigator" of a major one. And despite having to defend myself, my character, my reasons, my evidence and my genre as a whole, it was done. But with more hassle than the vetting process for Republican running mates. It's almost a full time job to enforce the genre.

And the main obstacles to that enforcement? The very people who asked through their votes for you to do the job in the first place. I swear, I wouldn't even run next year if it wasn't for my players most of which wouldn't touch Council if it paid them.

Listen, I get along with almost all of you face-to-face. At events we'll sit and BS and have a drink. I look forward to seeing a lot of you in New Orleans. But, at least for the rest of the year, can we stop being complete douchebags and realize this is a game?

Cause I've learned a lot of things with the graduating and the getting married and the second shift job - and the biggest one is this is not worth getting all excited about. It's completely and utterly worthless. In the truest sense of the word worthless. It has zero worth and we generate thousands of emails and hate and bile over something that doesn't matter. At all.

I may not get reelected with a speech like this, but you all needed to hear it. It likely won't change anything but my chances at reelection but I wouldn't be a responsible adult without pointing out that we're being overly crazy and it doesn't matter at all.

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