Jan 26, 2005 15:18
Greg imed me and said that him, EJ, Sal, and his friend Joe were going to the MaleBox because there is booty contest on Tuesday, and DOLLAR DRINKS! I thought it sounded like fun, so Im like sure Ill go, Ill come over after American Idol. (BTW, I WAS EXTREMELY PISSED about Idol, because there were these twin brothers who sang "Ill Make Love to You" by BoyzIIMen and they were FANTASTIC...but Simon and loser Gene Simmons, who knows nothing about pop music, said no, so they didnt make it. Paula and Randy were so mad they walked out and Idk why I got so pissed, I guess bc its a stupid show but it sucks you in! They made me wanna look for my BoyzIIMen CD!)
So anyways...I hung out with the guys for a bit and we left for MaleBox around hmmmm maybe 10:45 or 11? I dont remember. I had 3 fuzzy navels and a BEER greg bought me (LOL I HATE beer and I cringed with every sip of it) so i had a nice buzz and the booty contest was HOT. We left about 2am and I told the guys I would take Joe back home to Westland and Greg was nice enough to put $8 in my gas tank so I dropped them off and took Joe back home :p. I hung out with Joe for a bit at his apartment and he popped a movie in, which never got watched ;P. I was like WOW I have to get home...I didnt leave until 4:15!!!
So I DIDNT get to BED til 5!! HORRIBLE bc I had to be up at 7:50 to get ready for school I told my mom not to lemme sleep in but I didnt hear my alarm and I WOKE UP AT 11:06! I COULDNT believe I TOTALLY missed Polysci and Psyc was about to start. I got ready as fast as I can, but then when I went to garage to get a pop I LOCKED MYSELF IN so I had to wait 15 minutes for my mom to leave work and let me inside. WHAT A BAD START. So I missed all but 15-20 minutes of Psyc. I felt SO BAD that I didnt show up which meant Jase had to walk in the frigid wind all the way across campus from POL to PSYC. He said it was no big deal and he thought my story about last night was funny lol, but I still felt bad!
Speaking of Jase, friends are WAY more important than senile math professors, so I decided Im gonna skip math class today. I emailed my prof with a lame excuse so he gave me todays homework and I did it in the library..Im gonna pop into class, hand in the assignment...then its off to Jasons for a fun nite with him and Jay!