Oct 25, 2005 22:59
1. It has taken me 5 years to be able to be happy about myself and how
I look. I used to have an eating disorder and worried always that when
people looked my way it was because I was grotesque.
2.I'm afraid of being alone all my life but when I love somone Im scared to let them close.
3. I am deathly afraid of spiders. I live in a place that has lots of
them yet think even the most docile of spiders will attack me in the
neck and kill me.
4. I wish I was a clean freak yet life just doesn't let me stay clean.
5. Honesty is a sign of trust. I will not lie to those I care about.
6. I fear that every boy I date will cheat on me.
7. The above 2 being said.....The only two ways to hurt me are to cheat on me or lie to me~
8. I trust you compleatly until you give me a reason to doubt that trust.
9. I most often miss the looks of those admiring me because I am too busy looking at those who don't.
10. I panic when things don't go the way I planned
11. I'm technically an air head. when i was 8 airbubbles formed in my skull after a concussion.
11. Weapons intrige me because of the power they yield over the meek.
12. I've been in 3 rollover car accidents in my live and each time the only thing between me and death was a seatbelt!!!!
12. I hate to be the first one to be at an event and am terribly embarassed to be the last!
13. I fall for people too fast and dont let go fast enough.
14 My heart lives on my sleeve and I wouldn't have it any other way!