It's been so long!

Sep 13, 2005 22:56

Ages ago, littleindigo said it would be okay for Mummy to give LiveJournal her numbers or something so that I could keep my diary but she didn't do it. Now she has so I need to think about what I've done. That's not very easy because I've done so much and sometimes I forget things really soon too.

I think I was not even one when I last posted so since then I have been one and Father Christmas has visited my house. I got lots of presents but it was all a bit confusing and I couldn't really tell which bit was which because one day it was Christmas and another day it was my birthday but they were so close together. I still haven't played with all the things I got given by Grandad and Nanny because there were so many presents.

I have learned lots of words so Mummy and Daddy can understand what I want. I walk and run everywhere too. And I can climb very well. I have lots of teeth but there are some more coming which hurt much more than all the others I've had. These are the pointy ones in between the ones I already have. Only one of them is showing but all the others are hurting so badly. There's a bottle (I can say 'bottle') on the mantelpiece with magic orange juice in it so I point at it and shout 'bottle' a lot when my mouth hurts (and other times too but they don't seem to be fooled). I had a high temperature tonight because of my teeth so I didn't eat any dinner and I fell asleep on Daddy at the dinner table. I had to go to bed after orange juice with no clothes on and Mummy kept sticking the beepy machine in my ears.

I will ask Mummy to make me a new icon so that you can see what I look like now. I am quite grown up. I will ask her to do the one of me eating a wild garlic leaf while we were in the Lake District.
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