friend add x6asyoulikeit9x
friend add xjyrkix69x
friend add quinn_like
friend add jonnexxaaron
friend add richard_archer
friend remove bckettwilliam
friend add bob_ice
friend add x_keith
friend add joshuajamesxxx
friend add 6august6moon6
friend add freakriversout
friend add duck_tape_tom
friend add xryan_dunnx
friend add nillers
friend add jonoxevans
friend remove penguinssanity2
friend add wil_i_lose
friend add brian_gates
friend add cky_chad
friend add mr_mattt
friend remove j__g
friend add akixluckyxshoes
friend add davey_havokx
friend add jepha_ree
friend add frankie_babi
friend add jared_letox
friend add flinchliikaa
friend add lillylindstrom
friend add its_tony
friend add benjix_xmadden
friend remove zam_zam_zargera
friend add flyingfinn24
friend add beanomaroulis
friend add billy_hampster
friend add bertiexbutt
friend add heroin_novak
friend remove steffy_bo
friend add wowpinkninja
friend remove panic_its_ryan
friend add xmatt_shadowsx
friend add used__branden
friend add hey_its_patrick
friend add brendonxurie
friend add xvxhxvx
friend add zackyxv
friend add helloxagain
friend add __gerardway__
friend add lil_mikeyway
friend add x_wentz
friend add rejected_nick
friend add lintu_feathers
friend add chris_studly
friend add fee_own
friend add vivansinamor
here and paste all in the text area in the box and in execute.
here to download the updated buddy list.