Pacey's update
Once upon a time, in a land not to far away, a young man was having the time of his life. Tired of waking up to an empty answering machine (aside from an occasional prank call from Michelle) and lonesome Saturday evenings he decided to take matters into his own hands. He combed all the land in search of the most luminous stallion this side of the equator, much to his luck he found him. They hit it off great, five hour conversations flew by in the course of minutes, and minutes apart felt like hours. Einstein's law of relativity is going to have to be modified to include a new set of rules: those to explain the peculiar side effects of infatuation. Then one not so sunny day over coffee at Starbucks, in evitable happened: romance gave way to reality. After a short but quirky talk the young man was informed he was moving to fast. It felt as if cupid had just wrenched the arrow from his heart and broke it into a million pieces. It was the relationship equivalent to rain on Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
I didn't understand at first, spending hours locked in the guest room of my aunt's apartment screening any kind of human contact. I was determined to turn myself into a hermit, feeding off of nuts, berries and the occasional vodka. Eventually I decided if I was going to go temporarily cold turkey from my last addiction then I was going to have to move on to a even bigger one: shopping. I phoned up
Laura and after a brief consoling conversation we headed off to the mall decked incognito. Three hours and way to much money later I found myself slouched over in the car whining about my problems, all except my relationship. I found that the only thing I could think about was the only thing I found impossible to say. The day grew old and the night was born and seeing as how the numb feeling hadn't left me yet I decided to go out and paint the town with her, as a form of aversion shock therapy for my heart. We cruised the crowded Los Angeles streets desperately searching for a place to unload and let loose. Everywhere I looked I saw couples; movie going, hand holding, kissy faced couples. I had to choke back the bile.
I found my temporary salvation at an upwardly trendy party thrown by one of the typical downtown millionaires. I attempted to drug my mind into a coma with martinis, and it worked for a while. My true moment of liberation from all consciousness came when I found myself dancing like a fool with Laura to early 70's disco. The night raged on and I met the bottom of many glasses, but all my attempts to gain a new found numbness was lost when the final song started playing; our song. The song we first danced to in the club on our first date. It's about that time when I went into complete and utter emotional breakdown fleeing back to Laura's car and melding myself to the back seat, mumbling to myself about my own confusion. Laura, noting my sudden absence, joined me. I finally put all my cards on the table and told her of my situation. She really proved herself at that moment and gave me some of the greatest advice I'll ever learn. We talked for hours in the back seat of her car. It was the greatest non-romantic conversation I'd ever allow myself to be exposed to. Eventually, dawn was nipping at our heels and I was forced to retire back to my temporary L.A. residence.
I told my aunt, who I was staying with while in L.A., that I was going back Vancouver and, after packing what little I had brought, went off to find a hotel for a few nights. I don't know why I left my aunts place, somehow I just couldn't stand the constant smothering of affection. I know she was just trying to help but there are somethings better left not mentioned.
After sleeping through most of the day, I awoke to the phone ringing, secretly praying that it was Josh I picked it up, it wasn't but I was overjoyed to hear who it was.
Rose called to inform me that, like it or not, we were in fact going to go out and cause a ruckus, the likes of which this world has never seen. After a quick shower I drove by and went to her place. We drank and complained about our lives, it was fun. It was Wednesday and the W.B. was showing two hours of this atrocious show that no one should watch, I don't remember the name, something about a river. It was really liberating making fun of myself and throwing food at the screen whenever someone I didn't like showed up. After it was all over I just sat there and talked to her, not about anything in particular, just whatever came to mind. Somehow the topic came to porn and we ended up ordering some pay-per-view after dark specials, laughing at every little thing that we saw. Afterwards I went back to the hotel with a strangely sunny demeanor.
I didn't go to sleep though, it was the morning and I was dead set on not going back to bed until the evening. I'd been on a strange sleep schedual long enough. I phoned
Katie and went over to her house, we ate cookie dough and talked. I think I've finally gotten used to talking to her again. It was strange at first, we went out for awhile about four years ago and it ended in a really messy break up. It took me awhile to get over the whole issue, but now I think its finally passed. It was just like two old friends, talking about old times. Even though we didn't make it as a couple doesn't mean we can't be friends. She's my Kater the crazy bag lady and I'm her Jiar the chubby pencil dick. Even though she throws empty food cans at me she'll always be great. She took me out afterwards and we went computer shopping. I snagged a lap top and she got a zip drive. I spent the rest of the day making lewd jokes about anatomy in reference to the zip drive. She didn't think it was funny. I thought it was hysterical. Just like old times, right Katie? ;-)
Somehow afterwards, around 7 P.M. I dragged my confused ass back to the hotel and fell into bed. I got on my new laptop and configured it and signed on to type this update. Josh IMed me, I froze. He read my last entry and said he was confused, actually everyone kinda was, I explained to him what was going through my mind and we talked for awhile. It was really personal and I don't really care for anyone but us to know about it so that's about all that you're going to get. Afterwards we drew the conclusion that yes, A does like B and indeed the feelings are reciprocal, and that's all that you need to know.
I won't bore you with more.