This may heat up the choice/anti-choice campaigns out there . . . depending on how one wishes to twist their interpretation.
"The findings published in Nature Neuroscience show that the first neurons, or "predecessors," as the researchers called them, are in place 31 days after fertilization. This is much earlier than previously thought and well before development of arms, legs or eyes.
"These neurons, described here for the first time, precede all other known cell types of the developing cortex," the researchers said in their paper. "These precocious predecessor neurons might be important in the cascade of developmental events leading to the formation of the human cerebral cortex."
The cerebral cortex is largely responsible for human cognition, playing an essential role in perception, memory, thought, language, mental ability, intellect and consciousness. It is composed of about 20 billion neurons and accounts for 40 percent of the brain's weight. . . . "