Aug 13, 2010 05:38
So I started T on feb 26th. Man I just sat down to start writing this thinking I would write something cool or inspiring, however, I am at a loss. I have been fighting all evening with my girlfriend over her insecurities, and I am insecure myself. For instance. I went to a winery with My girl and a bunch of her friends who KNOW I am a trans man. They all seem really excepting but when it comes time to introduce me, I am the lover, or the girlfriend, even though I am obviously not female. Then there is the bathroom issue. I may be a trans man, but I am well endowed to say the least and passing in a public restroom is normally not too much of an issue, UNLESS the restroom is crowded and there are two urinals and one stall. So needless to say I did not partake of the restroom the entire 6 hours at the winery, and I was near to bursting. Got a dang uti now too. Oh well. I guess I just wish I could wave a magic wand and get people to understand and accept more fully. Especially my mother. I just wish she would be ok with me, but she is not for the most part. I mean we just don't talk about it. But we need to start talking about it more I think. My voice is changing, I have facial hair, I bind all the dang time. She just needs to get over it and love me for me. But I don't think she ever will. Oh well.