I hope everyone had an awesome day, regardless of the fact that you celebrate or not~. Once again I got totally and utterly spoiled.
I received:
- a drawered storage system for my bead things
- two cookbooks
- sushi plate set
- 2008 Holiday Barbie
- fleece jammies
- the cute hat seen above (that Mum has taken to calling my Oliver hat)
- origami calender
- Book of Lists
- Michael's giftcard
- HBC giftcard
- label maker
- chocolate~
Mum and Dad are both under the weather so there was much lazing about and watching of movies. Narnia was on TV last night so we watched that, and I bought Prince Caspian for Mum so we watched that today, followed by two of the three Bourne movies because I had gotten the Trilogy for Dad.
Fondue for dinner as usual, which was mmm so good. Then the 'rents went to bed and DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL YAY!
Taking Mum to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra for her birthday (which is on Saturday) tomorrow. Then on Saturday the Brother and his now-fiance will be here for dinner, in theory with only his daughter and her daughter as her husband is supposed to be picking up her sons until New Years Eve but he's notoriously unreliable so we shall see.