I has a migraine. And it's my own fault. I ate chocolate with my bananas last night.
On the upside, my Koyama uchiwa and pics came today~. :D
Went to see The House Bunny on Saturday with Alexis, dumb but cute. The movie, not Alexis. >.>; Plus next weekend is Labour Day long weekend which meansssss... Three day weekend and I'm going up to Alexis' cottage. Yaaay swimming~!
Plus Ajo got me watching Yasuko to Kenji.
Ajo: What are you flailing at, kuso onna!
Saru: It's like...
Saru: Some freaky gang mating ritual.
Ajo: XD
Saru: *dead*
Ajo: ...
Ajo: *slaps you into coherency*
Saru: ITE
Ajo: Though I understand... I was doing that too
Ajo: <.<;
Saru: XDDD
And I love when we randomly Side-RP in the chat:
Kei: ... *WIBBLE*
Chris: RYO! That's just the way they are! *smacks*
Ryo: OW! I thought you weren't going to hit me anymore!
Chris: I thought you weren't going to be stupid anymore.
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