Mar 25, 2008 15:05
Well, it's that time of year again... the flowers are in bloom, the birds are singing, the air is refreshed... and this has nothing to do with ANY of that.
The real reason spring is great is because Opening Day is JUST around the corner, which for some of the girls out there, means Opening Day of Baseball. And your beloved Dodgers are playing the Braves in the ONLY series of the year July 7, 8, and 9.
Now Kimberly, my better-half, already bought 4 tickets for that Monday's game as a Valentine's Day present. I, being impulsive and not wanting to miss my only chance to possibly see future Hall-of-Famer's Smoltz or Glavine (pitcher's) on the hill (pitching mound), in what could be their final season, bought tickets for the following day, July 8. ...and then bought them for the FOLLOWING day, July 9th :) Whoops!
So I assume Kim will be going with me all three nights (and honey if you don't want to it's ok, but I'd love for you to be there), so that already eats up 6 tickets. Of course, that also leaves 6 OTHER tickets for the games. I know not all of you like baseball, so some of you won't care. For those that do, I'm not sure how to go about it, as far as handing them out -
I know some of you have said that you want to go to a game, like Joe, and I assume Deb would be the 4th, since they're a couple, completing that set of 4. And Josh has also said he'd like to go, as well as Louis, and Whit, and Gregg as well I think? Whatever works best for whoever wants to go is cool with me. I don't want to be the one to choose and say "Ok, here. you're going, you're not." So whoever's schedule work out the best, etc, and we can divvy them up that way.
The tickets I bought were like $10 bucks each, and are all in the upper deck, but in a good section, and like 3-4 rows back. So it's good. I promise
The games are:
July 7, 8, 9
Start Times: 7:30(ish) I think one starts at 7:10. <--So evening, you get it.
Yay for baseball! Holy SHIT it's gonna be a good year...
But I guess we can keep track here, or we can talk about it at some point when we're all hanging out between now and July.