(no subject)

Jun 02, 2004 13:25

Well, my lovelies! I had my darling ninamalfoy mention 'fandom' to me, and I realized that I still have this little piece of work tucked away.

Before PotC, Orlando Bloom, and Johnny Depp brought the pirate craze upon us, there was one girl who thought that pirates were pretty darn cool. And she had a friend who thought pirates were pretty cool too, and suggested that what would be -really- cool was if Nsync were pirates. Since I love my clinguppy, I started on a fic for him. Which kept getting longer and longer. It is the Fic That Would Not Die, my very own Ficzilla™.

Fic is co-written with the lovely heatseekerboy up to chapter five. After that, you can mostly blame it on my own warped mind. *grins*

Title: ...and a Bottle of Rum
Author: berriest_eri
Pairing: JC/Justin, with a lot of friendship-only Justin and Chris
Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy
Feedback/reccs: If you laugh out loud, I'd love to know.

Chapter One: Every Fucking Store in Orlando
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