Jan 19, 2006 19:38
something about my 5 weirdest habits.
1) i am nervously OCD and will start to stress out if i'm trying to do something and get derailed. i have a real one track mind. multi tasking is the devil's plaything, i tell you.
2) i hate hate hate having my picture taken. many have tried, few have succeeded
3) i can't stand to eat in front of people. i can physically ingest certain foods, like finger foods or snacks, but i freak if i have to sit down to a meal with people
4) i will pull out loose eyelashes and eyebrows until i have none left to pull out. i will do a three strikes and you're out method of this. i will begin at the corner of one eye, pulling out lashes/ brows as i go toward rhe bridge of my nose. only after i have tried 3 times in a row and have nothing to show will i stop. drives people crazy. i'll have lots of company soon
5) i want to be a writer but i can't let anyone i know read anything i write. nerves get to me too bad