Oct 20, 2005 21:21
ok, the TV's acting weird, so i can only get channel 5 right now. and Leno's on. i'd rather eat glass. and i was just looking at a magazine and decided that looking at the keyboard actually makes my eye feel ok (i'm not a touch typist, what can you do) so i just thought i'd do a little experiment. i'm going to go through this here new issue of Premiere (it's a movie magazine, if you don't already know) and just post what i think as i look at it. here goes:
first of all, Jake Gyllenhall and Tobey Maguire- same guy.
i never saw Wizard of Oz. i mean i've seen parts, but never sat and watched it start to finish. Gone With the Wind either
my cell phone- not that technologically advanced. not at all
i quit wearing a watch a while back. no idea why, but i don't really miss it
throwing off the restraints of society! rebel rebel!!
Batman Beging- it was... ok?
Kate Winslet is hot as shit! man, she's just lovely
i'm sick of there being a new vodka, like, every other day
(man, there's a load of fuckin' ads in this rag)
that picture of Matt Damon looks like a tree. the hell??
Star Wars 3 is out on DVD on the 1st? snuck that in under the old radar.
there's a shitload of new actors and actresses that all look alike and i don't know who they are and i don't care that i don't know. but this one girl here... let me see... Rosamund Pike- looks scaredy cat. at least in that picture right there she does
oh, man, Miike is in here? his movies are about to start getting watered down.
did Ashley Judd retire? where's she been?
Oliver Platt, too? did he just quit?
who really cares if a movie has mistakes in it? i mean i notice some, but who actually sits down and shoots off a letter to a freakin' magazine when they catch one. dorks, that's who
Robert Downey, Jr.- not that great of an actor. he's ok, not that great though
there's waay too many charts in here for this to be a movie magazine
the preview calendar pages- hard. to. follow. it's a jumbled up mess.
Rent- i really couldn't care less about a movie, play, record, whatever. sorry, i just don't care.
Good Night, and Good Luck- bad movie title.
Philip Seymour Hoffman- i think he's a good actor but man, his voice really bugs me. and i like Bob Dylan
how do these really low budget indie filmmakers pay the bills? do they make that much $$ off of movies that noone sees? wealthy benefactors? government coverups? trust fund babies?
some town is still all proud James Dean starred in a movie shot there 50 years ago?!? shelf life, baby!
a story about drag queenzzzzzzzzzz
that new Superman doesn't look too cool in that one picture. i hope they just got a bad picture. man, this is really negative. is it me, or is it the movies? i blame movies. Josh- 1, movies- 0
one time, we drank a lot of tequila and Ted puked in Dave's socks. it was funny.
remember that Futurama where Lucy Liu is supposed to be the hottest girl around? she's ok, but far from the hottest woman around. and i have an asian woman fetish.
Zorro, that first movie was fun to watch. i haven't seen it in forever. wonder if i'd hate it now? the sequel might be ok. i wonder ...
nothing about that Camel cigarette ad makes me want to try their product. what a douchy ad
Harry Potter- again, i think it's me being old and crumudgeonly. i don't get it. i read the first book and saw the first 2 movies, so i gave him a try, but yeah, i guess i'm not really the target demo, though
they better not fuck up that Johnny Cash movie.
Fifty cents? his career is o-v-e-r.
is Elizabethtown just a little too close to Garden State for comfort? at least on paper? huh? right?
when Pierce Brosnan doesn't shave, he looks like Nick Nolte. or an old Jim Carrey
Chingy is a really dumb name for a rapper. it's actually just a really dumb name for anyone or anything. i'm going to start calling you Chingy.
are painters that good of fodder for movies? Basquiat, Pollock, Freids, Modigliani, the Girl With the Pearl Earring? and i'm sure i'm leaving out some recent ones. seems like it would be, kinda... not that good of a movie? maybe bad, even?
Star Wars- i've had it, really. i went to the midnight showing, but it was kind of like a mercy killing. i'm just glad it's over and now i won't geek up for a new chapter or episode or whatever. looking back, like at all 6- they were ok. it actually leans toward being kind of bad, really. slow, poorly written, even poororly acted. no fun, no fun! it's like when someone is in severe pain, and they die. or like when you have to have a dog put down- it sad, but you know it's finally over for them and there will be no more pain. but yeah, Episode 3 was better than 1 or2. by a MILE. and i still think it's as good as Jedi, but then, i don't think Jedi's all that
so, just like that and i'm o-u-t.