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Feb 10, 2005 20:50

YAY!!! we got the drill meet ALMOST ready!! tryin to get a few ppl worked out. but o well... neways... josh gets to go!!! i'm so excited!! but then alex cantrell wants to go... and that kinda sucks... but o well again... josh is goin... and that's the good thing!! neways... yesterday sarg took me to 2 of josh's teachers... which i have to... first we went to mr. mcavoy for his u.s. history... and found out what we needed to and b4 we left sarg told him that i'm his wife... so i should be able to get him to do better... and then we went to mrs. mcgee for algebra, and found out he was doin really good and sarg said sumn like well his little wife over here must be doin his job... and mrs. mcgee said... yea she can give motivation that we can't and they laughed bout it! but neways... then i was sitten downstairs today and sarg goes, "beavers, i told ur hubby that he gota get a not from mcavoy alright" it was REALLY funny... cuz it was in front of major jessie and darrell... but neways... my papaw was in a car accident this mornin... it was really scary... i went to see his van... and it looked REALLY bad... but he's ok... and that's the important thing... well i think that's all for now! nething bad comes up... i'll be back!
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