The fourth installment of my Rooksbridge serial fiction project is now available at This chapbook, Ravens, Rooks, and Crows, sees the arrival of George Aldcourt, the Baroness’ dissolute brother, trailing behind him a train of unwanted courtiers and suitors. Now the once-quiet town of Guilford is awash with strangers, which makes it that much easier for conspirators to maneuver against the Bramwood court.
You can
read the preview or
order the digital edition.
So far I’ve been releasing these on the first of the month, and as you can see, I fell a little behind this month. Summer travel really sucks time out of a schedule! I’m putting up the Digital Edition now, and recording the Audiofile this week: if all goes well, posting it by Friday. The physical chapbooks are going to take a little longer than that. I don’t expect to see them before November. Chalk this one up as a lesson learned, and extra motivation to get the next chapbook, Where There Is Smoke, in the can and into the pipes as soon as humanly possible!
Aside from scheduling, this chapbook had its difficulties in writing. You’ll see when you read, but I had to be pretty awful to my characters, and that’s sometimes difficult to do. I went through a number of versions, each one flinching away from what Had To Be Done, and each one spawning off problems in theme wrinkles and plot holes, until I finally told myself to just go ahead and Do It. Miraculously, all the problems cleared up as soon as I made certain characters sorry they ever got involved in Rooksbridge. It’s amazing what a red-hot coal can do when properly applied.
With this chapbook, I feel like the cast of characters is assembled, the setting is established, and the premise of the series is pretty solid. In a lot of ways, this was the chapbook that I’ve been looking forward to writing since I started. We finally see the baroness in action and most of the cast working together (which is to say, working at cross purposes) to create the kinds of stories I’m really after. This is the kind of fiction I always want to read - and I hope it’s the kind of fiction that you enjoy.
Happy reading (and cringing)!
- Josh
Rooksbridge Serial Fiction Project -
Rooksbridge #4: Ravens, Rooks, and Crows -
Digital Edition Mirrored from
Kallisti Press.