So...your mod is a bit of a n00b at this whole icontest thing, lol, and after a few people saw the results for the last challenge, they suggested a Tallying System for voting (i.e. every vote for 1st place gets 3 points, every vote for 2nd place gets 2 points, every vote for 3rd place gets 1 point, and whoever has the most points wins and so on an so forth...). I thought you guys might be interested in seeing how the results from tallying the first challenge votes turned out, but I wanted to ask, because while I LOVE making banners for you guys, I don't want to seem rude!
Poll Josh Peck Stills Challenge no.1 Tally Results Also, for those of you who would like to know, I unscreened the comments from the
submission post, so you can see who made what! If you'd like to use an icon, please ask the maker first, and be sure to credit! :D