Jan 29, 2009 01:51
Well, I have homework already for the first time this semester, and it's taking me an extraordinarily long time to get it done. Of course, part of it is because I don't want to focus on it, but it also seems that this semester, the assignments are incredibly vague. For example, one class wants me to take written notes to class for discussion, but to "email before you leave class TODAY." What? Do you want my hand-written notes? Do I have to type my notes so you can have them? Why can't I just type them, and then bring a copy to class for me?
Another of my classes (taught by an Asian guy with an Australian accent) is somewhat less vague, but doesn't really let us know what he wants from us. The question is to determine the risks of doing one type of analysis without another, and vice versa. However, that answer could be pages upon pages long. Does he want a page? Three? Five? Or will bullet points suffice, just so we can go over it in class and discuss?
My other class tomorrow will be interesting, to say the least. The professor is out of the country doing research, and, will be back next week. So this week, he taped all his lectures and we'll be watching them. Huh.