Nov 27, 2009 21:18
I made some changes today.
I've mentioned that I was dissatisfied with the term "barbarian" for the corresponding class. So I thought about it, and though it would be a shade trickier to implement, I changed the class to "tribespeople". That means of course I'll have to remember to put in a decision structure somewhere to label males and females correctly ("tribesman" and "tribeswoman"), but that shouldn't be a huge deal.
I also changed some race names, finally. I named them as they were over 5 years ago, when I was figuring the game's tone would be fairly light compared to what it's actually evolving into. But I've been thinking the cutesy names had to go. I've wanted names along the lines of the latest addition, lauchorn, clever little verbal contortion acts that are not as obviously jokey and perhaps somewhat nice-sounding. Don't ask me to recount the processes of how I came up with these, since at this point in the evening I'm not sure I can.
"Goati" becomes reemer.
"roo-mate" becomes aranga.
"rocafeller" becomes collorax.
"rolodek" becomes orlin.
Another note: Natural Witchcraft is now an accordant skill for orlins, and I added some meat to their description in that regard. I also noted that they commonly form communities with green drakos wherein orlins occupy intellectual niches whereas the drakos occupy more hands-on niches.
soulthieves: pc,
soulthieves in the shadows,
soulthieves: beings