Jul 08, 2009 02:03
Considering eliminating the Disarming skill from Soulthieves. Disarming mechanisms could be folded into the melee combat skills; they'd probably be more appropriate there anyway, since as it stands it seems clunky.
Along the same lines I can probably eliminate Parrying as well, but parrying does strike me as a different sort of skill from attacking. On the other hand, having one Parrying skill to cover all weapons is probably an overgeneralization. The compromise of convenience is probably to fold parrying mechanisms into the melee combat skills as well. I suppose there could be compensatory bonuses when learning new weapon skills to smooth the curve in the ways that Disarming and Parrying are intended to.
I haven't removed either yet. Just thinking about it.
I organized the skills in SouthLab into categories, similar to Soulthieves, though there are obviously much fewer: melee combat skills (Axes and Bludgeons, Blades, Polearms, Staves, Whips, Two-weapon Combat, Unarmed Combat); missile combat skills (Bows, Crossbows, Darts and Blowguns, Rocks and Slings, Thrown Weapons); defensive skills (Dodging, Shields); magic skills (Spellcasting, Conjuration, Enchantment); and other skills (Secret Handling, Stealth, Swimming). The categories are more or less strictly for organization, having less technical significance than the categories in Soulthieves, which is why I hadn't bothered categorizing them to begin with.
Soulthieves currently has 70 skills, while SouthLab only has 20.
soulthieves: skills,
soulthieves in the shadows,