Jun 19, 2009 02:24
$ - Scrip
Ockham University's campus economy is basically within the institution's dominion, and as such it issues scrip to students and faculty for purchasing things on campus. These credits come in the form of papery notes produced in conjunction by the Finance Office and the Print Shop. They may be used to buy things, such as goods and/or services. In general, when you need to pay for a service or an item you've picked up in a shop, it'll come up at some point when you 't'alk to the vendor.
I added the item type table from the Soulthieves manual to the SouthLab manual with the initial round of modifications, including this change from rupees to scrip.
I was not originally going to include Soulthieves' pamphlets - containing a single reading of a single spell - in SouthLab, but since I expanded the magic skills I've been turning it over in my head. I had a great idea today, so I added these items as CoolsNotes. This is a spoof on the Coles Notes sold in Coles bookstores here. Stateside you know them as CliffsNotes, which apparently was the American license on the Coles Notes brand. I learn something every day.