
Dec 09, 2008 00:40



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Winter, Serenity, Adaptation
People born under the Ptarmigan are cool and collected, even under pressure. They are known to be comfortable in a wide range of circumstances, and tend to be quite friendly.

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Grace, Solitude, Aptitude
People born under the Huntress are proud and skilful, taking no quarter when it comes to the serious business of their lives. Attractive and powerful, they win respect by doing, not saying.





Extravagance, Ambition, Polarity
People born under the Sunflower are vivacious and colourful. They tend toward appropriately flowery turns of phrase and wield cheer like no other. They gravitate toward pleasant things and easily feel suffocated by hardships.

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Friendship, Activity, Life
People born under the Dolphin are gregarious and fun-loving, always seeking to immerse themselves in the joys of existence. They tend to live for the moment and are not inclined to tire easily.





Ingenuity, Mischief, Wit
People born under the Lemur are slick-talking and creative-minded. They are always looking to experience new things and can grow restless with the everyday. They are good with their hands and excel in the arts and crafts.




Simplicity, Camaraderie, Quietus
People born under the Jackal are team players; they have no desire to fight against the flow of their world. Their tastes are modest; their attitudes are simple. They prefer to support others than to lead them.


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Intelligence, Spirituality, Elusiveness
People born under the Mystic are fey and voraciously academic. They can be somewhat eccentric, focused more on furthering their own pursuits to the exclusion of others. They are generally quite comfortable alone, and often prefer to be so.

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Passion, Tenacity, Power
People born under the Boar are emotional and, at times, unpredictable. They can be quick to anger, but their passion, harnessed, can fuel a tremendous drive; they can then pursue their goals with an unparalleled fervour.





Nature, Beauty, Freedom
People born under the Butterfly are free-spirited and purehearted. They are known to drift from one interest to another as frequently as the sun gives way to the moon. They are highly resistant to constraint and often find themselves at odds with the flow of the cosmos; this frequently leads to moodiness and depression.


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Observation, Sageness, Respect
People born under the Owl are sharp and philosophical. They love to explore ideas and are constantly seeking to discuss and hone their perspectives. They hold themselves to high intellectual standards and wish for others to do the same.


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Strength, Reliability, Humility
People born under the Bear are silent and gentle. They are very sober and appreciate responsibility in themselves and those around them. They approach life's hardships with a quiet, stoic dignity.


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Patience, Staunchness, Hope
People born under the Oak are quiet and tough. They can ride out hardships without great emotional strain, but they may judge harshly those who would interfere with cosmic designs. They are not easily moved, holding their perspectives in the face of great opposition.

Talk about bullshit. Ha ha. But it was fun to put together, and I think it's looking all right. There will undoubtedly be some tweaking to do when it comes to implementation and balance, but it's looking good to me right now.

I made the zodiac section of the manual a subsection of a new heading, Matters Calendrical, because I now had to add stuff on moon phases and their influence. For now more moonlight means stronger white magic, while less moonlight means stronger black magic (this is clerical magic, by the way). I may or may not extend the effects to morality in general; in that case, neutrals would benefit when the phase is closer to the first and last quarters. Something to think about, anyway.

I feel okay.

soulthieves in the shadows, soulthieves: calendar, soulthieves: interface/docs/meta, soulthieves: clerical magic

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