Dec 21, 2011 03:39
A note for my own documentation.
I am officially using the verbs "nicen" and "naughtify" to describe the processes of making items nice and naughty respectively. I need to remember this for the future. I should also do a deep scour for any references that need to be corrected. But for now this note is here.
For reference, the corresponding verb for neutral, "normal" items is "normalize".
Wiktionary says "nicen" is a word. Curious.
I've changed the scroll of cursing to the scroll of naughtifying. I've also added a scroll of nicening. It's a sometimes more practical and certainly more obvious alternative to nice potions of fairy dust.
Cursing of the being (including yourself) is still referred to as such, since it doesn't make you naughty per se, just unlucky.
the flavour of eternity