May 26, 2009 14:56
I know that I haven't been around too much online talking to anyone really over the last couple of months. Truth be told, I've had a lot on my mind trying to work out what I want to do for the rest of my life. I've really been feeling isolated lately, and a lot of that is my own fault. I felt that if I didn't really have anything other than work to talk about, I might as not write about it. Well, this week I've got something a bit more to talk about. Specifically, the audition that I mentioned in my previous post. So here's the 411:
The audition takes place tomorrow, Wednesday, in Austin.
The part is for Peter Parker/ Spider-Man.
As some of you may or may not know, there is a Spider-Man musical that will be going up on Broadway next year with the score done by members of U2. Open casting calls are being held across the country, and Austin is the last stop.
Ever since I found out about this thing, I knew I'd have my work cut out for me. The call sheet asks for a tenor pop voice, whereas I'm a bass/ baritone that hates pop. I'm more than likely shorter than most of the people who will try out. And I know that there will probably be an army of people there ready to go.
To be honest though, I'll be happy just to say that I was able to try out for this thing. Spider-Man is a figure that I've always looked up to in one aspect or another over the years, so to me, it would be an honor in my book to say I at least tried to represent him. Now, that's not to say I'm going in there with a defeatist attitude. I fully intend to put everything into this when I go up there. I hadn't mentioned anything about this before because I didn't want to say anything about it in case it fell through, but the way I figure, no matter what happens, it's all gravy.
Depending on what happens, I'll post again with a follow up.