
Jul 26, 2005 21:23

well ppl, this summer is majorly the blowfest of the century.
well this chick down the street gave me and ted that rail and i can finally skate it even though a fedex truck and the foreigner down the street hav hit it. speaking of hitting things, the lady who gave us the rail ran over HER OWN MAILBOX. but thats normal.....i mean, ppl do that all the time.....

So yea this summer, all ive done is just hang with ted, sabastian, and mario. and i need a new skateboard in the worst way. Im to the point of having two different trucks....just wow.

I finally saw american pie. haha blink-182 was in it ROCK ON HOES. it was a good movie i guess.
well thats it 4now yall.


Created by sweet-freak and taken 9 times on bzoink!
BaSiCSNaMeJosh(ness) GoldstonDOB9/27/91NiCKNaMejoshness, dumbass,.....BiRTHPLaCeum PONTIACLoCaTioN aT THe MoMeNTin front of computer at house that is mineHeiGHT5,6HaiR CoLoR/LeNGHTmedium browneYe CoLoRblue (attracts the chicks)ETHNiCiTY/NaTioNaLiTYum american?ReLiGioNcristian?FaVeSCoLoRum......redFooDnething mexicanaNiMaLHippopotomus?DRiNKJones Green Apple all the wayFLaVoR...chocolate?SHoeSmy adidas hahaSTYLepunk/skater! WIGGERS SUCKSoNG2many........BaND/SiNGeRblink-182 SONNNNNNNNNNNNNNMoVieum...american pieCHaRaCTeR/CeLeBRiTY iN QueS. #22Eric ForemanSHoWThat 70's ShowBooKHarry Potter and the Goblet of FireSPoRThockeyBoY NaMeEric?GiRL NaMeJennifer is a hot namePiCKDaY/NiGHTDayBLaCK/WHiTeBlackCHoCoLaTe/VaNiLLaChocolateCoMPuTeR/TVComputerSiNGiNG/DaNCiNGSingingRaNDoM THiNGSaRe You a BoY/GiRLBoyZoDiaC.....not sureaTTiTuDe aT THe MoMeNThappyYou'Re FeeLiNGhappyPeRSoN You KNoW You CoNSiDeR SeXYummmmmmmm sabastian hahaPReFeReNCeCuTe aND SWeeT/WiLD aND SPuNKYit depends i like bothMuSiC GeNReROCK BITCHESeYeS/LiPSLipsLooKS/PeRSoNaLiTYPersonalityHuGS/KiSSeSKissesTaTTooS/PieRCiNGSTattoosGuY/GiRLGIRL NoTHiNG iMPoRTaNTWouLD You LoVe Me iF You KNoW Me VeRY WeLL?i dk......?
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