Nov 08, 2004 16:57
sigh, where to start.
I joined the legions at best buy and am now a blue shirt toting member. wireless is okay but best buy doesn't believe in training you before tests??? oh well. nova is going great. I'm getting As and Bs in all my classes. I'll be up at Mason for the spring 05 semester and onward. living on campus.
One day as i started NOVA I took a look at my life and had made some needed changes. First I have committed to working out and doing Atkins an I've lost a lot of weight. second I'm actually studying for the first time in my life. Like actually sitting down and going over the notes and the book. finally, its was recently brought to my attention that i am either cocky, conceited, or egocentric, or some combination of the three. I feel that some of my cockiness if you will is really just being doing my best and surpassing others. Maybe its not so much that I'm cocky but lacking humility when it comes to telling others of my strengths when doubted, i.e. "you get so lucky on tests", and my reply"no , I'm freaking amazing and i study" . meh
woot!!! halo 2!!! i excited yet not that much anymore because i have grown out of video games. I'll play at other peoples houses but I'm selling all my stuff cause i don't have the time for it.