Apr 20, 2006 19:28
I felt like it, ok?
So I need to do stuff. Draw, school, draw, um draw, webstuff, comic, comic, draw comic?
I want to learn HTML to it's fullest, learn more of the crazy shiz CSS can do, get a better understanding of PHP, and learn how to freakin javascript. Maybe a little java while I'm at it... AND C AND VISUAL BASIC AND.... not the latter two...
Sometimes, I look back at things I've made and I'm like "wtf, i thought that was good?"
This applies with drawings and webpages. Speaking of, I need to make a useful webpage. Wait, I am. But now I need to make it not lame
I feel like I'm one of the few modest people about. But hey, I could be boasting without knowing it.
So Lia is cool and stuff
Who wants to work at Century 14 so I get $50? :D
I need to draw little things that make boom for RTS and to find other people to do it.
Ever get that feeling where you just wanna flop on the ground and lay there for a while?
This Gov't/Econ essay outline thing is lame
Eventually, I'll need to design characters and develop a style for drawing so my brother won't think I'm the lazy whore I truly am.
My butt hurts. Better sit up...
Oh yea! There's that CD in my backpack I'm supposed to be looking at.
I need to finish this outline so I can finish drafting the artillery cannon concept...
Drawing is fun. Should do more.
Web programming is fun. Should do more.
Homework isn't fun. Should finish now.
Ok bye!