Either way, we're fucked

Jul 09, 2004 15:01

Tom Ridge has once announced that Americans should be scared shitless vigilant in the time period directly before the November elections. He reminded us that the Madrid train bombing (claimed by Al-Qaeda) successfully swayed the election so that the anti-war Socialist government won power and that they may try the same tricks in the United States. Basically, he's saying that Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda wants John Kerry to win the election. This is arguably the dumbest thing I've ever heard from an elected appointed government official. Al-Qaeda did want the Socialists to win in Spain because they vowed to withdraw their troops from Iraq. I honestly don't think that Osama gives a fuck who wins the election, because either way, OSAMA WINS.

A vote for John Kerry is a vote for Osama...and a vote for George Bush is a vote for Osama

How does Osama win no matter what? The answer is simple.
  • Regardless of who wins the election, we're staying in Iraq. So on that front, he has nothing to gain by either person winning.
  • Al-Qaeda is less involved in Iraq than we thought. Only 90 people imprisoned in Iraq are not Iraqi's. There goes the theory that terrorists are pouring in from all over. These are just Iraqi's that don't want the US to occupy their country (you'd be pretty pissed if Cuba suddenly occupied the US.) Since this isn't a battlefield on which he's fighting, he can't lose it.
  • Research shows that the Iraq war is generating recruits for Al-Qaeda (not in Iraq, but all over the Islamic world). The continuing Iraq war is actually HELPING Osama build a larger army and popular support in the Islamic world.

One way that we're helping Osama's cause is our dependence on Middle Eastern Oil. If we could stop our dependence on their oil, we could get the fuck out of there. What can you do to help reduce this dependence? How about not buying your fucking gas guzzling SUV. You don't need it. You don't go off-roading. If you need the space, you can get a fucking station wagon. If that isn't cool enough for you...I don't give a flying fuck. You're driving trucks that get as few as 3.7 miles per gallon (the tested mpg of the Ford Excursion. That is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Do you have the right to drive those trucks. Yes you do. And it's my right to eat a pint of Crisco every day. That doesn't mean it's a fucking good idea. Actually, since those trucks are ruining my environment, my lungs, and sending our troops to die, then no you don't have that fucking right. Fuck you.

For more about oil, read these two articles. They're pretty short, but very good.
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