Jan 17, 2008 20:34
The ushers have the right to confiscate cameras, cell phones, and other devices.
The Chinese really are shy because they don’t want their pictures taken.
India boasts off a school for future beauty queens but China on the other hand have schools specially made for acrobats. Imagine children at the age of five doing splits and back flips. It’s exactly like Johhny’s Entertainment. I could see the juniors doing the same thing.
If you think that is scary. You have no idea what the Chinese have inside their heads.
I must admit seeing Chinese guys in tights are really scary especially when they’re coming down from a secret compartment in the ceiling above the audience. It’s a sight reminiscent of characters from a super sentai series.
It’s a show to watch this season. Wanders, spelled with an A will really make you wonder. What a great show to jump start my year.
My dad acquired FREE tickets for the show and it was phenomenal.
Wanders takes you to different periods in time and around the world, relieving pop culture with Elvis and the Supremes, Frenchie Dy was the lead singer, and bringing back Disco fever. Of course it was coupled with scary stunts, some of them happening midair.
The international cast didn’t disappoint. The stunts were near perfect. The production was great only with a few glitches with the sound aspect of the show, inaudible dialogue. It really shows that Filipinos could stage a show worthy of international attention.
By the way, I have my left ear pierced earlier today.