So I just got back from a weekend down in Hull, Massamachusetts, where my college roommate and all-around swell fellow James got married.
The weather was so-so, and I started the weekend with a rough run-in with
Google Maps' directions (which were beyond horrible). But a bunch of my California kids were there (seeing Ochs two weekends in a row, good Lord there ought to be laws to prohibit such decadence!). And there was a great group of their friends from Cali who I had met but didn't ever really hang out with. Well, we all became fast friends at the hotel and had a freaking blast.
I've kept the digital photos of this event to a minimum, as I'm sure SOME of my friends don't want the world to see them in the glory of the post-party. (Swilling Grey Goose from the bottle, anyone?)
Unfortunately I missed the best photo op of the night - the really chill Hull Police Officer who broke up the first of several after-parties we had at the hotel. So at my wedding, kids, keep the cameras on hand for the po-po. Nothing says "wedding album cover" like a cop and the father of the groom shaking hands.
Because of the weather, this was the closest we got to the beach, sadly.
The ceiling of the Catholic Church was amazing.
This photo doesn't do it justice.
Josh getting artsy while all of the lovers dance and frolic.