Title: An Enduring Fate (7/?)
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairings/Characters: Will/Rachel
Spoilers: Follows canon through A Very Glee Christmas; uses ideas from rest of season 2
Disclaimer: All things Glee belong to Ryan Murphy and Fox. I’m just borrowing them.
Summary: They say life is a series of starts and stops. For Will and Rachel, that couldn't be more
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We haven't seen much of Rachel's dads and before they were on the show, I thought that they were sort of always away, but after I saw them on the show, you could see how close they really are and I wanted to portray that, so I'm glad you like the way it was written.
I was worried about the Finn scene a lot actually, so I'm glad that it seemed in character for you.
I hope you like the rest of the story and you stick with me. I know I've been slow with the updates but I really am going to try and get updates up quicker. Now that the election is over, work is not as crazy, so I think I can keep this pledge!
But I do hope you like where it is going to go. I'm at the point now, where I'm really nervous about what people thing about where it's going to go.
Also, my next chapter will be up soon!
I do hope we can still get some more of your apocalypse fic.
I'm sure I'll love the rest of the story, and I'm definitely hanging on for this one (although this is the only Glee fic I'm hanging with, I must say). Oh, wow! Working on the election, I bet you were busy!
I wouldn't worry too much about reception of how you're taking this--you understand these characters and write them so well, I think I could follow your plot pretty much anywhere, happily :D
Next chapter?! I must go read! I am so excited!
Very unlikely, unfortunately. I just cannot get motivated. But I just put a summary on the FB page for Allie, lol.
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