Issue #8

Apr 22, 2010 11:44

Originally published at Rapid City Script Blog. You can comment here or there.

The script for the eighth issue of the superhero comic book, Rapid City, has now been posted.

Read and discuss it here.

Panel 5 Hourglass is now close to Kinetic and Max. Kinetic is, once again, making it to his feet by stepping away from Max who had been looming over him. Kinetic’s gut is bleeding all over.


Can’t hold on.


Don’t. I can do this. Just hold on.

Panel 6 Tight shot of Hourglass and Max face to face. They are both in profile. He is enraged, and still frozen in place. She is looking bad. Blood and tears on her face. But, also, clarity.

Panel 7 Similar to panel six, but turned so that we can see it more from Max’s POV. She is looking clear and focused, but she is also tense with effort. Emphasis on open bullet hole.


Who are you? Why did you kill me?

comic book script, superhero, script updates, bloody end, writing, comic book, kinetic, technical, hourglass, maxwell murder, updates, writing comic books, rapid city comics, superhero comic

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